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Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
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Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays
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Epic 6-Cell Seed Starting Trays

$9.99 - $129.99 $19.99
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Product Details

  • Epic 6-Cell Trays are rigid, yet flexible and practically unbreakable to last the rest of your life
  • Proudly made in the USA from recycled, UV-treated, and BPA-free

Engineered for Perfect Plant Growth

Each individual cell in our Epic 6-Cell Trays features an air pruning side slot on all four corners to discourage root circling and encourage better root growth.  The bottoms of each cell are also open providing air pruning at the lower end of each cell.  

Convenient and Flexible

12 Epic 6-Cell Trays are designed to fit into a standard 1020 nursery tray, mimicking a classic 72-cell tray.

This design gives you the convenience of having all of your seedlings in one tray. At the same time, you can easily remove a single Epic 6-Cell Tray at a time as seedlings mature, without having to prick out individual seedlings like you would with a standard cell insert tray.

Designed With The Gardener in Mind

Large, convenient finger holes in the bottom of each cell make it easy to remove seedlings when you're ready to transplant. No more using a knife or tool to remove your plants; simply push the seedling out with your finger.

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const TAG = 'spz-custom-painter-button-animation'; const MAX_ITERATION_COUNT = 99999999; const SITE = (window.C_SETTINGS && window.C_SETTINGS.routes && window.C_SETTINGS.routes.root) || ''; const ADD_TO_CART_ANIMATION_SETTING = `${SITE}/api/marketing_atmosphere_app/add_to_cart_btn_animation/setting`; class SpzCustomPainterButtonAnimation extends SPZ.BaseElement { /**@override */ static deferredMount() { return false; } /** @param {!SpzElement} element */ constructor(element) { super(element); /** @private {!../../src/service/xhr-impl.Xhr} */ this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; /** @private {Object} */ this.data_ = null; /** @private {Element} */ this.addToCartButton_ = null; /** @private {boolean} */ this.productAvailable_ = true; /** @private {number} */ this.timerId_ = null; /** @private {number} */ this.animationExecutionCount_ = 0; /** @private {boolean} */ this.selectedVariantAvailable_ = true; /** @private {number} */ this.delay_ = 5000; /** @private {number} */ this.iterationCount_ = 5; /** @private {string} */ this.animationClass_ = ''; } /** @override */ isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } /** @override */ buildCallback() { this.productAvailable_ = this.element.hasAttribute('product-available'); this.selectedVariantAvailable_ = this.element.hasAttribute('selected-variant-available'); } /** @override */ mountCallback() { this.render_(); } /** @private */ render_() { if (!this.productAvailable_) { return; } this.fetch_().then((data) => { if (!data) { return; } this.data_ = data; this.animationClass_ = `painter-${data.animation_name}-animation`; this.iterationCount_ = data.animation_iteration_count === 'infinite' ? MAX_ITERATION_COUNT : data.animation_iteration_count; const animationDuration = 1; const animationDelay = data.animation_delay || 5; this.delay_ = (animationDuration + animationDelay) * 1000; this.handleButtonEffect_(); }); } /** * @param {JsonObject} data * @return {(null|Object)} * @private */ parseJson_(data) { try { return JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { return null; } } /** * @return {Promise} * @private */ fetch_() { return this.xhr_.fetchJson(ADD_TO_CART_ANIMATION_SETTING).then((data) => { if (!data || !data.enabled) { return null; } return this.parseJson_(data.detail); }); } /** @private */ getAddToCartButton_() { this.addToCartButton_ = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector( document.body, '[data-section-type="product"] [role="addToCart"], [data-section-type="product_detail"] [role="addToCart"], [data-section-type="product_detail"] [data-click="addToCart"], [data-section-type="product"] [data-click="addToCart"]' ); } /** @private */ restartAnimation_() { this.addToCartButton_.classList.remove(this.animationClass_); this.addToCartButton_./* OK */ offsetWidth; this.addToCartButton_.classList.add(this.animationClass_); this.animationExecutionCount_++; } /** @private */ clearTimer_() {; this.timerId_ = null; } /** @private */ setupTimer_() { this.timerId_ = => { this.restartAnimation_(); if (this.animationExecutionCount_ >= this.iterationCount_) { this.removeAnimationClass_(); this.clearTimer_(); } }, this.delay_); } /** @private */ restartTimer_() { if (this.animationExecutionCount_ >= this.iterationCount_) { this.removeAnimationClass_(); return; } this.setupTimer_(); } /** @private */ listenVariantChange_() { SPZUtils.Event.listen(self.document, 'dj.variantChange', (e) => { const selectedVariant = e.detail && e.detail.selected; if (!selectedVariant) { return; } const {available} = selectedVariant; if (this.selectedVariantAvailable_ !== available) { this.selectedVariantAvailable_ = available; this.clearTimer_(); if (available) { this.restartTimer_(); } } }); } /** @private */ removeAnimationClass_() { => { this.addToCartButton_.classList.remove(this.animationClass_); }, 1000); } /** @private */ handleButtonEffect_() { this.getAddToCartButton_(); if (!this.addToCartButton_) { return; } if (this.selectedVariantAvailable_) { ++this.animationExecutionCount_; this.addToCartButton_.classList.add(this.animationClass_); if (this.iterationCount_ === 1) { this.removeAnimationClass_(); return; } this.setupTimer_(); } this.listenVariantChange_(); } } SPZ.defineElement(TAG, SpzCustomPainterButtonAnimation);